Beacon Heights Community League


Cover for Beacon Heights Community League
Beacon Heights Community League

Beacon Heights Community League

Become a member, participate in sport and social activities, rent the skating rink, meet your neighbors, improve community safety, get involved…Volunteer

Well, we tried. The crazy shift in weather the last two weeks have finished our year sooner than we wanted. The community league would like to extend our most sincere thank you to our visitors and members this winter. We did have a great two months of skating weather but February was having none of it. Thank you to all who came out. We also want to send a special thank you to our ice maker Mr. See MoreSee Less
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Looking for sand for icy sidewalks?? Unfortunately the green bins, once located at community leagues, are no longer being supplied by the City of Edmonton. Free sand is available at Kennedale Eco Station, Clareview Rec Centre and Borden Park it’s recommended to take a pail and a shovel. For more info and exact addresses of community sand stations: See MoreSee Less
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We are watching the weather closely to see if our ice has any chance to making it through this week. The weekend definitely did a number to the ice but we are hopeful that cooler temperatures at night might still help. We are hoping next week is cooler and we can get a few more days of skating in. See MoreSee Less
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