Beacon Heights Community League (BHCL) is managed by volunteers who live in our neighborhood and area. We have a vested interest in ensuring our community is vibrant, inclusive, fun, and safe.

BHCL has a volunteer Board of Directors who govern league affairs. We’re proud to introduce:

Michael Neary ([email protected])
President & Baseball Director

Lee-ann Kalen ([email protected])
Vice President

Jenni Hartt ([email protected])

Kevin Rempel ([email protected])

Chase Yaremchuk ([email protected])
Rink Director

Crystal Vercholuk ([email protected])
Programs & Social Director

Brad McComb ([email protected])
Media Director

Lee-ann Jeffery ([email protected])
Civics & Membership Director

Hilda Royer ([email protected])
Seniors Liaison

Wilma Lytle ([email protected])

Interested in volunteering and getting more involved with our community? Reach out, some Board positions are still open. [email protected]